Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Favorites, No. 09

- autumn walk in the woods -

It's pretty nice living near our state's park specializing in maple trees. Stunning at this time of year. So are the more hidden treasures, like these toad stools.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Late Summer Bouquet

- Ingredients -

Simplicity Rose
Nearly Wild Rose
Lime Light Hydrangea
Allium seed head
Day Lily seed pod
Spearmint leaves and flowers

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Aurora Borealis

Earlier this week we drove a few yards down our quiet rural road past our windbreak of trees, to watch and photograph the Northern Lights (see Dad's tripod in photo). The atmosphere was full of wildfire smoke and dust, but we still caught faint, colorless glimpses of fingers and waves. Truly awesome!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday Favorites, No. 08

- antique diner style mugs -

This mug has an extra bonus. It has a pretty brand stamp on the bottom that speaks of age. Priced at one dollar at my favorite thrift store, there was no doubt this mug was going home with me.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Soul Food | Friday Favorites, No. 07

This magazine was one of my Friday Favorites over on Instagram a few weeks ago, but somehow I missed sharing it here. I have been so blessed by Set Apart magazine from the very first print copy several years ago and even before when it was purely online. While it's beauty has much to recommend itself, more importantly the truth the articles have spoken to my heart have been soul food. 

While the summer issue has been in our home for many months, I had not read more than a few article until recently. These words came wonderfully timed for my heart a couple weeks ago, when I was feeling particularly unfit and weak for God's calling on my life. I love how God's timing is always perfect!

Verses to ponder.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Miracles Every Day

"'Your are asking for a miracle,' they said. But the creation of a flower is a miracle, and God makes new flowers every day. So that word [of skepticism] could not trouble us…"

- Amy Carmichael -

 P.S. Find this this original watercolor painting for sale here on my Etsy shop.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday Favorites, No. 06

- torenia -

We have a pot of torenia on our grill to add grace to that otherwise utilitarian item. This stunning plant blooms profusely all summer long. You may want to add this cheerful annual to your list for next summer!