Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Christmas decorations and music last a long time around our house. Yet all good things must come to an end. Today began the undecorating. Mostly just getting rid of dry and shattered greenery. I'm hoping this garland with white lights stays up a few more days to brighten up our evenings.

Friday, January 22, 2016

And Here It Is

My Etsy shop, Handmaiden.

Welcome to Handmaiden!
My love for handwork goes far back. Before I was ever born. Before my parents were born. Handwork was a part of everyday life for my ancestors. It gave them a way to add beauty to their homes. A way to pass hours with friends or long, northern winter evenings. A way to give special gifts to those they loved. And most of all, a way to provide clothing and comfort for their families.
Even farther back, my loving Creator imagined a universe. Then He made it. On planet earth He placed people, stamped with many of His characteristics. One of those characteristics is - you guessed it - creativity. So you see my love for handwork goes very far back.
Times have changed since my ancestors lived, yet I carry on Great-Grandma's making of afghans and doilies. Grandma's embroidered dish towels that she reserved for holiday dish washings are replicated by my hands - though not nearly as beautifully. Mom's hand knit mittens made from wool raised and spun by her hands (with a good dose of sheep raising help from Dad) have kept my own hands warm for two decades. I am now giving mitten knitting a try.
For the last few years handwork has become a great gift to me. It has been my creative outlet and help through hours of weakness, pain, and weariness while fighting disease. Now I invite you to enjoy this gift with me that was passed down to me by my family and Father.
Together we will pass on a gift to vulnerable women - the gift of hope, dignity, and true Life. For each item I sell, my family sews and donates one LuoPad. Learn more about the LuoPad project at Thank you for being a part of this life giving project!
Soli Deo Gloria*,
*or SDG as Johann Sebastian Bach signed his musical scores. Translated "For the Glory of God Alone."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Up My Sleeve

I have had something up my sleeve for many months. It remains there still (up my sleeve, that is) but will soon be revealed. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement in a few days!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Breath Frost

These have been very cold days. Not record breaking, but cold. Still I have been craving fresh air, and have relished several days of sitting bundled on the front steps. Subtle colors in the sky, soft breezes gently ringing the chimes, a great horned owl swooping across the yard. These make for such a lovely break from electric lights and sounds of appliances and show me what an awesome, powerful, loving, creative God I have. After a break like that I am ready to tackle a mound of dirty dishes to warm up.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Dad's Shed

Our barn lost its roof a few winters ago when snow cover got too heavy for it. Dad was on a weight restriction at the time. Our old shed was also well on its way to the same demise. Thus, this summer and winter has brought Dad a new shed.

Re-used corrugated metal siding from the barn covers one wall.

Organized screws etc. line another.

Still another wall is Mom's "garden shed."

Complete with potting station.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hannah and I gave Dad a solar powered triplane for Christmas. Now it sits on the coffee table and alerts us of stray photons, er, sunshine. Here is a reflected glimpse of it in the French door lock as it takes flight one sunny morning. Dorothy is holding her big, blue ball in the background making it look as if the triplane is on an outer space mission.

Monday, January 11, 2016

January Sunset

Hannah balanced atop a small, crusted snowdrift...
...and I joined her...
...while we watched a rare January sunset.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Bird's Seasons

A nesting season past...

...and a seed scavenging season present.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sorting Buttons

My girl cousins and I recently divided the contents of Grandma R.'s button box. We were sad to think that the days of Grandma's quiet entertainment of button sorting for granddaughters was over. Yet we now each have our own button box to someday bring joy to other young organizers.

One does not have to be young to enjoy sorting buttons. Mom, inspired by her mother's collection of which Hannah and I brought home a fraction, dug out some collections she has acquired. Last Sunday was the scene of grand button sorting and much "oohing" and "ahhing" all around.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hearty Paws

Reginald, on the other hand (see last post), is not afraid of winter's snow... especially if there are people outside to enjoy it with him.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dainty Paws

Gulliver (so named because she came to us on her travels) is not a fan of snow. We like her anyway.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Vacation Evenings

If it were up to some in our family, we would play games often, but the nays rule. Except during Christmas vacation. With the annual game of Domino Train.

The game starts with a round begun with double fifteen and makes its way down to double zero. Sixteen rounds in all. Needless to say, the tradition spreads over many nights.

Hannah usually arranges the to-draw pile of dominos into basketweave patterns. This year it was Christmas trees.

I joined her until Mom said 'no more trees or cameras; we are playing a game.'
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