Saturday, June 18, 2016

If having an earthly father makes such a difference...

"In Australia I was speaking to a select group of leaders. Next to me sat the police chief of one of the cities. He has 18,000 law enforcement people working under him. He told me that in one of their communities 'Father's Day' was the saddest day of the year because 90 percent of the kids in that community don't know who their father is. Imagine that statistic! Is it any wonder those kids end up in places like Angola [maximum security prison in Louisiana]? Now here's the question: If having an earthly father makes such a difference in how we live our lives, is it any wonder that planet earth is a violent planet because most of us do not know who our Heavenly Father is?"
Ravi Zacharias, November 2015

Friday, June 17, 2016


Ironing has a way of piling up around here. It's not that it is a task we don't enjoy, rather ironing is one of those projects that can be sidelined for "more important" jobs.
For a long time I have been itching to pull out board and iron, and so last week a caved in. So far I have made it through all the hanging clothes... including a few shirts from last summer. Yikes! Next comes linens. A good sermon and audio book have kept me company through the hours so far. I can truly say that I have enjoyed every minute of this task.
Among the hanging clothes were dresses that Mom and her sister wore as very young things.

It was a joy to iron clothes that didn't melt - not even the lace on this slip. They sure don't make clothes like they used to.

The skirt of this slip had been let down once. There is one pleat remaining allowing room to grow a couple inches taller.

One button is the only way to get baby in.

I'm not sure how Grandma managed to iron these puffy sleeves. I sluffed my way through that part.
Each dress had a built-in sash. A little girl couldn't help but look adorable in these fashions!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


A wind storm carrying three quarters of an inch of much appreciated rain swept through our yard. Our basswood tree did not fare so well nor did the lamp post which lights up our front steps as a result.

Amazingly the roses withstood the beating of the fallen branch quite well. Some lost stems, and an overall rumpled appearance remains. Nothing that a little time and growth can't cure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Mantel in June

A few remaining stems from Hannah's birthday roses from Dad
Grandma R.'s pitcher-vase - which reminds Mom of the swooped gathers on the front of formal dresses so common in wedding parties these days
The only blocks still intact from a 1940's-1950's baby quilt - also from Grandma R.'s home

Friday, June 10, 2016

At the Lake Again

While Dorothy was at respite care earlier this week, the four remaining members of the home-place took a vacation day at the lake. Some reading, some handwork (among the women-folk) and lots of resting. Dad was disappointed to see no sailboats.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Thirty-Three Years

On Hannah's thirty-third birthday we celebrated with the whole family and multiple kinds of cake.

The cupcakes with chocolate belonged to the Birthday Girl.

May the next year bring more healing and blessing upon blessing!
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