Monday, August 22, 2016

Lacy Tree

Last week found us at the lake again, this time enjoying a wide range of weather: rain, hail, sun and fireworks. Okay, so fireworks don't count as weather, but we did take in somebody's private show across the water.

While laying on the ground stretching one day I was struck with happy wonder by a tree viewed from a different angle. I think it must make our Creator happy when we discover the beauty He has placed everywhere.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Oh, Happy Day!

Yarn in the mail! I am going outside the box this time and trying something beyond wool, namely Quince & Co. "Cleaner Cotton." To become Maritime Signal Flag H.

Monday, August 8, 2016



Hannah and I have fallen head over heels for begonias these last two years*. For some reason we had it in our minds that these were difficult flowers to grow. Now we know we were wrong, and that makes us very happy. And so begonias have become our lush and vibrant "Welcome" to all who come to our home.

*Could it be that Jason's gorgeous begonia varieties helped win our hearts? Probably.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Crisp Continues

Crisp continues to be Hannah's and my go-to for an easy to make dessert. Since my last crisp update I have created three more versions:

Tart Cherry
Blueberry & Saskatoon*

All fruit was homegrown and from the freezer except for the blueberries, which we have not had success growing in our soil.

*pictured here

Thursday, August 4, 2016


We still call the 2010 addition to our house The Bakery. A more up to date title would be Dorothy's Apartment. Still the original title sticks.

That title became even less accurate last week. Before deck construction which is now under way, Dad deemed it the best time to move five hundred pound "Doyon" out of The Bakery with the help of a tractor and a pallet.

I continue to pray for God to find a new home for my bread mixer where it will be used for His glory.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Long Absence & The Lake

A dear friend whom we haven't seen in years gave us a call the other day. 'Are you all right? Your girls are absent from their blogs.' That's when I realized how long it had been since my last blog post. I don't know what Mom's answer to Linda's question was, but this would be mine. Yes, we are okay. Life is hard but God is good.

The last weeks have been filled with extra pain and challenges and a few extra joys. Pain of yet another set back on Hannah's and my road to kick Lyme. Joys of time with family and friends, good books, and seeing God's hand in little things, all the while trusting that His hand is directing the big as well.

Now to catch you up with a few pictures from these weeks. Let's start at the beginning... the lake. Dorothy was at respite care, and it was our family's turn at the lake in mid-July (we rotate every half week with Mom's four siblings). We took the opportunity and had a mini vacation. The vacation included two nights at the cabin (one shared with Maren and Jason), warm clothes, a game of Chinese checkers, good books, blocking of Maritime Signal Flags S and L, and a photo shoot for Etsy.

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