Thursday, May 24, 2018

March 30: Crocheted Lace

I went a bit crazy with crocheted lace this early spring. What else do you do when you are primarily stuck on the couch, must keep your hands busy, your yarn is out of stock and you have a suitcase full of old crochet thread in the basement?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

March 30: Preparing for Summer...

...when wool socks are no longer in vogue and I forget which pairs belong to me. A bit of pink thread sewn inside the cuff should aid my memory next fall.

Friday, May 11, 2018

March 30: Bedroom Decor

Hannah and I share a bedroom, and so we share decorating duty in that room. These are the areas under my charge.

A shelf made by Mom in her younger married years above my bed is home to two Japanese styled paintings. Artistry of my cousin's wife.

I like to keep my bedside table both pretty and functional:
A plant to add life and warmth [air purification is a nice by-product of beauty].
Lake Superior rocks, because I love them.
A Japanese china bowl that looks nice in the day and holds lip balm and pedometer at night.

My dresser currently holds a small collection of wooden items, a couple rocks, a tiny pinecone and a pot of wintered-over rosemary.

Yes, you did see rocks in each picture. I was the child who on walks needed a belt to keep my rock weighted pants up. While I am more particular as to which rocks make their way into my collection these days, they still have the tendency to hop into my pockets.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The North is Still the North

After our wintered-over plants enjoyed a few balmy days acclimating to the outdoors, they have had to be brought into the more temperate climes of the front entry for a few nights. Tropical and dessert plants don't really get along with our northerly spring temperatures.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

March 9: Laundry

Mom and Hannah are the main laundresses in our household. They have their work cut out for them each week.

In April we were still using our trusty wooden drying racks to dry clothes, sometimes outdoors but usually inside. Now our retractable clothes rack is being put to good use... except when a load gets forgotten in the washer 'til late at night, and a load must be hung indoors.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

March 7: Tomato Canning

Canning days don't have to be in the autumn harvest season. The freezer made life easier last fall. Quarts of ready-to-grab spaghetti sauce and whole tomatoes make life easier now.
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