Saturday, April 30, 2022

Always Fresh

How do I keep my bath towel fresh without a daily wash? By hanging it to dry from my bedroom curtain rod, of course. And no terry for me. Turkish towels dry in no time. And need I say they're pretty?

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Oh, Frances.

Someone took advantage of my warm and dry down-clad back when I leaned over to snap a photo of her paw prints.

Oh, Frances.

deja vu

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Yet Not I

Challenged. That's how I feel when I attempt painting leaves. Yet I am determined to learn. And so I keep trying.

It seems as though leaves should be the easiest of subjects to paint. Their simplicity fools me into believing them within my skill level. And yet my hard efforts come up short. Perhaps I'm overthinking them. After all, my best paintings are not those that I labor over but those created in the moments I get lost in the beauty of my subject and the joy of pigment and water.

So it is in the life of many a Christ follower. We carefully think through whether we are able to do the task before us - forgiving a false accusation, returning evil with good, showing compassion, sharing the hope that is in us... The more we dig into ourselves for strength, the more we realize we are completely unable. But when we gaze at Jesus and "the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe," the formerly impossible deed is effortless (Ephesians 1:19).

Yet not I, but Christ in me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Wind and Rain

Today is a grand housecleaning day in creation. Rain is carving away at remaining snowbanks and washing away the grime of winter. Wind is sweeping the trees of loose, dead branches. And as with all good housecleaning, everything looks worse before it gets better.

A Nest of Bunnies

Did you ever come across a nest of bunnies as a romping child and have your heart wrung by their adorable fuzziness and the thought that your cats might discover and devour them? Well these bunnies are safe from the molestation of preying cats. My first attempt at knitting a bunny turned out a little wonky. Mom dubbed him the Little Runt. And so I had to give him a Big Brother to fight his battles. Big Brother is waiting for his eyes to open and a little more development before he's ready to leave the nest.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Staple Meal

This dish has become a new staple meal in my cooking rotation. Simple but delicious.

- Oven Roasted Meal -

sweet potato, diced
cabbage, chunked (1/2" - 3/4", or so)
bell pepper, diced*
onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
butter or ghee, melted
sausage links, sliced*

Toss all on a half sheet pan or two. Roast, stirring once or twice, at 425°F until caramelized, 1-1.5 hrs. Serve with your favorite pickles.

*I have sometimes substituted chicken thighs or breasts for the sausage. Cut chicken into medium-small pieces.  Don't toss onto the same pan as the veggies, as the chicken may release a lot of juices and your meal will turn into mush or soup rather than a roasted dish. Instead roast chicken on a separate pan, generously salted and sprinkled with the recipe's bell peppers (this brings the chicken to a whole new level of flavor).

Baby Sedum

And just like that, spring is here.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Happy Package

What do you do when your aunt is recovering from an accident? Send her a letter, tea, and one of your small watercolor sketches, of course! I have learned this skill (that I don't put into action nearly enough, no doubt) of a happy package or note in a hard time by being on the receiving end many a time. Thank you for your care, friends and relatives!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Green, Green

Whew! That was a lot of snowy photos in a row. How about some green, green? This is the third of five white amaryllis that are bringing life to our home this spring.

Small Wonder

How about another old photo? This one is from March 9. A camera couldn't quite capture the honeycombed texture of this melting snowbank. A small wonder of the world.

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