Wednesday, August 5, 2020

July 4: Independence Day

We had a smaller crowd at our annual lake celebration this year due to COVID-19, though a growing immediate family (aunts, uncles, cousins, cousin's children) makes for quite a crowd, even when several families are missing.

Joseph thoroughly enjoyed his first swim.

Monday, August 3, 2020

A Bouquet of Gladiolus

While Karen has provided an assortment of bouquets for church over the years, her lilac bouquet in spring and gladiolus arrangements come summer stand out in my memory for their impressive beauty. It has been a good while, thanks to multiple chemical sensitivities, since Hannah and I have been able to enjoy the bouquets at church, but Karen has been good at remembering us.  One Sunday in July she sent the first gladiolus bouquet home for Hannah and me. Considering that this year's storms have hit her plants hard, likely ruining much of her colorful crop, we feel well loved to receive them.
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