Thursday, April 27, 2023

More Gifts I've Made

I am on a handwork strike at present, but here are some gifts I made over the last year. Besides these (follow this link). And lots of these (another link).

Organization for Maren.

Hats for Operation Christmas Child gift boxes.

A soft and nubby pot holder awaiting the right home.

And two little bunnies for future babies.

Best of all, each gift is made of left over yarn from my stash.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Joint Birthday Celebration

Let's back up even farther - to February. A joint birthday party was held for Maren and Jason at their home. All was delightful and delicious.

Egg, gluten, sugar, and dairy free cupcakes safe for all.

Sour cream apple pie for Jason and all those who have no allergies.

The whole family.

Tyo-tya (Hannah) helped Joseph win a game of Uno.

Evangeline and I were wearing matching sweaters. Not the same pattern, but some similarities. Both knit by me out of Reywa Fibers "Embrace" yarn. Luscious yak down!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

March Snowshoe Hike

On the subject of state parks, let me back up to March 5 when Dad, Hannah, and I packed up gear and snacks for an afternoon snowshoe hike. At a state park. Nearer home than Itasca. For the first time in years upon years. Perfectly amazing!

Monday, April 24, 2023


Last evening I looked around and saw happy evidences of our recent day trip. Such as my thrifted glass jars...

...and a hefty new collection of maps gathered by my map-loving dad.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

A Big Day Trip

Day Trip hasn't been in my vocabulary for some years, and so, yes, this was a big one. Our main objective was to visit a lumber mill up north to order stair treads and wood paneling for part of the basement ceiling. 

Once that business was done, we were off to the state park.

Trees were newly decked in an April snow. They were worth photographing.

Ever wondered what the beginning of the Mississippi River looks like? Wonder no longer.

A trip to Itasca State Park is incomplete without checking out our old haunts of years past. Like the big log cabin the entire extended family, crock pots, and vast amounts of food crowded into every June to celebrate my grandparent's wedding anniversary years on end. Bagels, hot chocolate, and Lucky Charms for breakfast are particularly imprinted on my memory. Eaten in that lovely screened-in porch.

The beautiful stone stairs to get from lodge to lake.

And the cabin on the lake made of massive logs and impressive door hardware.

My phone did fairly well capturing photos on this snow-lit day. But I'm sure Dad's Canon did better.

P.S. We did a bit of thrifting on our way out to the park. Two pink tinted apothecary jars were my happy finds. Five new glasses in mint condition were added to our cupboards from the stop as well. Those of you who love a good thrift find understand the thrill.

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