Monday, October 2, 2023

Life is Uppermost

As I watch lemony yellow leaves flutter from our magnificent cottonwood tree while a light breeze shakes its aging leaves, words I seem to remember reading in the past float through my mind. "IN DEATH I LIVE." Was it a quote from Lilias Trotter? A remnant of the verse, "Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him" (Romans 6:8)? As I ponder these words, I think of the deaths I have experienced.

My life has seen its share of death. I have been by the blessed bedsides of dear family members as they were lifted out of their used-up bodies into the arms of Jesus. I count these experiences of watching a LIFE TRANSFORMED from a broken world into the awesome presence of our loving Creator as some of my most precious gifts.

Another kind of death I have experienced is the death of dreams. While painful at the time, these experiences too I count as gifts. As I have been compelled to give up personal plans for my life, I HAVE RECIEVED SOMETHING SO MUCH BETTER - the perfect will of God in my life. In the death of my plans, I have received the peace of knowing that the One who loves me beyond comprehension and knows what the future holds orders my days.

There is another death that has brought life that I have been blessed beyond blessed to experience. "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; BUT IF IT DIES, IT BEARS MUCH FRUIT" (John 12:23, emphasis added). Just as Jesus died and rose again in order to raise many more to eternal life, so I too, because of His substitutionary death, have died and risen again in a spiritual sense. On the day many years ago that I repented of my sin (sin is the lasting death which brings no life in its wake) and accepted the love of God, Jesus raised my soul out of the groveling pit of sin to eternal life. The life I now have is fruitful as I surrender my faulty human will to His perfect will. Yes, it is a death of sorts to give up my own will. But just as the death of a flower is what leads to abundance of life through its seed or as the death of the leaves of my giant cottonwood provides life giving nutrients to future plants through their decomposition, so my surrendered life can now produce the fruit for which it was originally made. Praise God for this death to eternal death that leads to life, a life of fruitfulness and multiplication in the Kingdom of God! And this life isn't such a bad deal for me either. While I will experience pain and loss on earth, I know that these troubles are light and momentary in comparison with the eternal glory of heaven (see Romans 8:18).

In her book, Parables of the Cross, Lilias Trotter wrote these words beside her detailed painting of a bed of lush and colorful moss atop a decomposing mound of brown plant matter. "This bit of sphagnum shows the process in miniature: stage after stage of dying has been gone through, and each has been all the while crowned with life... YES, LIFE IS THE UPPERMOST, resurrection life, radiant and joyful and strong, for we represent down here Him who liveth and was dead and is alive for evermore" (Lilias Trotter, "Parables of the Cross", emphasis added).


Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Favorites, No. 09

- autumn walk in the woods -

It's pretty nice living near our state's park specializing in maple trees. Stunning at this time of year. So are the more hidden treasures, like these toad stools.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Late Summer Bouquet

- Ingredients -

Simplicity Rose
Nearly Wild Rose
Lime Light Hydrangea
Allium seed head
Day Lily seed pod
Spearmint leaves and flowers

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Aurora Borealis

Earlier this week we drove a few yards down our quiet rural road past our windbreak of trees, to watch and photograph the Northern Lights (see Dad's tripod in photo). The atmosphere was full of wildfire smoke and dust, but we still caught faint, colorless glimpses of fingers and waves. Truly awesome!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday Favorites, No. 08

- antique diner style mugs -

This mug has an extra bonus. It has a pretty brand stamp on the bottom that speaks of age. Priced at one dollar at my favorite thrift store, there was no doubt this mug was going home with me.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Soul Food | Friday Favorites, No. 07

This magazine was one of my Friday Favorites over on Instagram a few weeks ago, but somehow I missed sharing it here. I have been so blessed by Set Apart magazine from the very first print copy several years ago and even before when it was purely online. While it's beauty has much to recommend itself, more importantly the truth the articles have spoken to my heart have been soul food. 

While the summer issue has been in our home for many months, I had not read more than a few article until recently. These words came wonderfully timed for my heart a couple weeks ago, when I was feeling particularly unfit and weak for God's calling on my life. I love how God's timing is always perfect!

Verses to ponder.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Miracles Every Day

"'Your are asking for a miracle,' they said. But the creation of a flower is a miracle, and God makes new flowers every day. So that word [of skepticism] could not trouble us…"

- Amy Carmichael -

 P.S. Find this this original watercolor painting for sale here on my Etsy shop.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday Favorites, No. 06

- torenia -

We have a pot of torenia on our grill to add grace to that otherwise utilitarian item. This stunning plant blooms profusely all summer long. You may want to add this cheerful annual to your list for next summer!

Friday Favorites, No. 5

Everyday tasks made pretty.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Lake Stay 2023

Another stay at our extended family lake cabin is in the books!

Dad loves being a grandpa.

Hannah got both the little ones creating watercolor art.

I don't object to being an aunt.

Late summer spreads are so colorful and delicious and look especially stunning in a rustic cottage.

Quiet evenings at the lake can't be beat... until the mosquitoes descend.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday Favorites, Episode 04 | Thrifted

Today I chose a theme for my favorite things: thrifted treasures.

- antique dishes -

I have a goodly collection of dishes picked up at thrift stores over the years. Since I live with my parents, and their dishes are used every day, I on occasion pull out one of my favorites and use it to perk up a solitary meal.

- milk glass -

Can you tell I love white?

- vintage linens -

This particular hand embroidered cloth lives on my dresser most of the year. Someday it will wear out, but it will have lived a full and much admired life.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Friday Favorites, Episode 03

- Rapunzel cherry tomato -
So sweet and flavorful! And their growth habit is simply beautiful.

- freshly weeded and dug dirt -

- "Brave By Faith" free audio book by Alistair Begg -

Friday, August 4, 2023

A Coneflower

For those who like it to the point:

Just a colorful sketchbook painting of an echinacea bloom from last Saturday. Inspired by a photo I took on the selfsame Saturday.

For those who like description:

While resting in a folding lawn chair by our perennial garden last Saturday, knitting in hand and a Christ-saturated podcast in my earbuds, I looked up and saw stunning shades of pink and green glowing through the sun drenched petals of an echinacea blossom. Wonder filled my heart. The Creator continues painting His masterpiece.

Which caption do you prefer? Short and punchy or descriptive and thoughtful?

Friday Favorites, Episode 02

- antimicrobial power of the sun for my down comforter -

- Earthley's "Throat Spray" for last week's bug -
It helped!

- daylilies -
They add so much vibrant color to the garden.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday Favorites, Episode 01

Here are things that are giving me joy or making my life easier these days. I doubt this will be a weekly series, but let it begin.

- 'Queen Elizabeth' tea rose -
- 'Fragrant Cloud' tea rose -

That photo and those names are explanation enough.

- rocks and brick fragment collected on our recent family vacation -

Rocks are the best souvenirs, in my opinion. 

- drTung's Smart Floss -

If you want to know what it is to have clean teeth, use this floss. (I buy mine from Thrive Market. Use this link to become a member and get 40% off your first order.)

Thursday, April 27, 2023

More Gifts I've Made

I am on a handwork strike at present, but here are some gifts I made over the last year. Besides these (follow this link). And lots of these (another link).

Organization for Maren.

Hats for Operation Christmas Child gift boxes.

A soft and nubby pot holder awaiting the right home.

And two little bunnies for future babies.

Best of all, each gift is made of left over yarn from my stash.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Joint Birthday Celebration

Let's back up even farther - to February. A joint birthday party was held for Maren and Jason at their home. All was delightful and delicious.

Egg, gluten, sugar, and dairy free cupcakes safe for all.

Sour cream apple pie for Jason and all those who have no allergies.

The whole family.

Tyo-tya (Hannah) helped Joseph win a game of Uno.

Evangeline and I were wearing matching sweaters. Not the same pattern, but some similarities. Both knit by me out of Reywa Fibers "Embrace" yarn. Luscious yak down!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

March Snowshoe Hike

On the subject of state parks, let me back up to March 5 when Dad, Hannah, and I packed up gear and snacks for an afternoon snowshoe hike. At a state park. Nearer home than Itasca. For the first time in years upon years. Perfectly amazing!

Monday, April 24, 2023


Last evening I looked around and saw happy evidences of our recent day trip. Such as my thrifted glass jars...

...and a hefty new collection of maps gathered by my map-loving dad.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

A Big Day Trip

Day Trip hasn't been in my vocabulary for some years, and so, yes, this was a big one. Our main objective was to visit a lumber mill up north to order stair treads and wood paneling for part of the basement ceiling. 

Once that business was done, we were off to the state park.

Trees were newly decked in an April snow. They were worth photographing.

Ever wondered what the beginning of the Mississippi River looks like? Wonder no longer.

A trip to Itasca State Park is incomplete without checking out our old haunts of years past. Like the big log cabin the entire extended family, crock pots, and vast amounts of food crowded into every June to celebrate my grandparent's wedding anniversary years on end. Bagels, hot chocolate, and Lucky Charms for breakfast are particularly imprinted on my memory. Eaten in that lovely screened-in porch.

The beautiful stone stairs to get from lodge to lake.

And the cabin on the lake made of massive logs and impressive door hardware.

My phone did fairly well capturing photos on this snow-lit day. But I'm sure Dad's Canon did better.

P.S. We did a bit of thrifting on our way out to the park. Two pink tinted apothecary jars were my happy finds. Five new glasses in mint condition were added to our cupboards from the stop as well. Those of you who love a good thrift find understand the thrill.

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