Thursday, March 26, 2015

Shearing Day

Tuesday morning found Mom and me in a sheep barn, chilly from the blustery weather outdoors but sheltered from the wind. It had been many years since sheep occupied our pastures, and we felt it was high time to enjoy these beautiful creatures once again.

Judy, our friend and shepherdess to these sheep, was gracious enough to let us intrude on the morning of shearing her twenty-some sheep.
There were several of us there - the shearer, who had the hard work, and his assistant to manhandle the sheep from the pen.

Mom to watch and help keep things tidy.

Pastor Harald who got a surprise lesson in the art of shearing.

And me to sit next to this lovely lady and her two, tiny lambs. Clear pictures of these active ones eluded me.

Mom also carried the shorn fleece up the barn stairs... the hole in the loft's floor. She dumped the fleece in the hole... land safely in this giant bag.

Mom and I noticed that the pen that was packed from wall to wall when we arrived later looked as if half the sheep had disappeared. But it was only their bulky coats that were gone.

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